Friday, December 11, 2009

More music to come!!!

Being Prolific: I believe it is good to consistently put out records and music. Being in a band where we have the freedom to make any kind of music we want, it really helps to inspire us to keep the music coming. to keep challenging ourselves as musicians and writers, to do something different then we did last time. It's never about topping ourselves or our previous records and being louder or heavier or this or's about making music we want to make. It is also about attempting to try out different styles and sounds. our EP, "wake the sleeping sun", was a way of getting our feet wet at writing and making music.
I think it had a lot different kinds of sounds, folk or alternative or a ballad, we got them on there in those 8 tracks. it was the beginning of something. Behold the wicked is an exercise in being a hard rock band. it takes the heavier sounds we touched on in the EP and magnifies them, it really gets that out of our system. It also touches on sounds we have not explored as a group. I guess in short this record is part heavy rock record and part art rock record, i won't say any more though :) I'll leave that a surprise for the ones who come to the shows and pick up the record...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

bass drum

bass drum
Originally uploaded by AscendingtoAvalon
Hello! This is Brett, Lance, Ryen and Eric. We are unifying tonight for a certain reason....this reason is to give you an outline of what our blog means to us and want we are trying to do.

We are attempting to connect, make some friends, talk about music and just communicate about life in general.

this blog is for our band, Ascending to Avalon, but we all like to talk to people and get out there! So don't be shy, many topics will be discussed, not just music, so keep up with us because we want to keep up with you guys!

Thanks lot! A2A!!!